Written content is the lifeblood of a successful marketing strategy. It attracts the attention of search engines to drive traffic to your website or blog, engages your readers with entertaining or informative subjects, builds customer confidence in your brand and promotes your products or services.
But all too frequently we underestimate the power of professionally-written content.
Here are three good reasons why using a professional content writer for your website pages and blog posts might just be the smartest move you make.
Good content for SEO
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the tactics and processes used to attract traffic to a website from search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is often the best way to quickly get your company and its products or services in front of a wide audience. You pay the fees and you move up the rankings, with sponsored ads getting the top spots. But this works only while you keep paying for the advertising: if you stop paying the fees or another advertiser outbids you for a search term, your ranking will drop.
Professionally-written content may not always deliver such instant results but the effects are longer lasting. Search engine algorithms are now so sophisticated that they detect and reward content that is well written, relevant and engaging. Clients are impressed with the results.
“The main reason for publishing blogs has been to increase traffic to our website and The Write Company has certainly achieved that, propelling us from the third page to the top of the first page on Google for specific keyword searches!”
Good content for your audience
A well-written article will also engage your audience. Professional content writers can craft sentences that are both easy to read and hard to ignore. They know how to tell the reader a story or take them on a journey. And they know how to present information clearly and concisely.
2. Professional content writing is more time-efficient
Hiring a professional content writer may feel like an additional expense, particularly if you’re a new start-up or working on a tight marketing budget. It can be very tempting to try your hand at content writing or delegate it to a junior colleague, but that can be a false economy.
Using your time for content writing might appear to save money as it doesn’t appear in the accounts as an expense, but is it diverting you or your team from your core roles and responsibilities and will the end results be worth it?
A professional content writer is familiar with the process of researching, constructing and writing content and will quickly identify the key points that a piece of content needs to convey and the aims it must achieve.
“The Write Company is diligent in gaining an understanding of the subject to write accurately and informatively, so amendments to first drafts are rarely required.”
Content writing on a tight budget
If you are limited by a small budget it helps to have a content writer who is happy to take a flexible approach.
At The Write Company, we also work with client-generated content, refining it so that it reads well and achieves good SEO while fitting the available budget.
Planning your content marketing effectively
Another area in which a professional content writer can help you run your content marketing more efficiently is in planning and implementing a content plan.
Without a plan, content marketing can become sporadic. well-organised content plan will help you to publish content regularly and in harmony with the rest of your marketing and sales activities.
2. Professional content writing is original
Have you ever had a sense of déjà vu while you are reading something online? It probably isn’t just your imagination: copy and paste content ‘writing’ is woefully common. Researching a subject recently, I found the same article published almost entirely verbatim on four separate websites!
There are two difficulties with this lazy approach to content generation.
Plagiarism is unethical and illegal
If you copy and paste content from another source without the author’s consent or without openly quoting them as your source, it’s illegal. Plagiarism and copyright infringement could land you with a bill that runs into thousands of pounds.
Original content delivers better results
But it’s also a bad move because it isn’t original content. Even if the original author doesn’t discover what you have done, search engines are almost sure to notice and will penalise you with a loss of SEO ranking.
Even if a subject is widely covered online, a professional content writer will be able to create content that is entirely original to you, protecting you from unpleasant court appearances and ensuring you get the best results.
If you’d like to talk about outsourcing your content writing to a professional, book a FREE 30-minute, no-obligation Phone or Zoom Consultation with one of our team, or contact us on 01760 723366 or at email@writecompany.co.uk.